Sunday, July 13, 2008

got the constipation blues

No- not me, Will. Poor kid has been having a rough time of it lately. Grandma told me last night that she felt like a midwife helping with labor. So- I have been googling "toddler constipation remedies". The first site I opened gave me the giggles cause it talked about your child using the loo. The loo- funny word. I guess it makes talking about poop seem more classy. I have tried changing his drinking habits, I've tried a few different foods. The only thing all of the sites I looked at agreed on were fresh fruits and veggies. I guess I will just have to try to push them a little more at supper time and see if that helps. I really don't want to have to give him any medicines, but will resort to that if necessary.

What a busy weekend. Wedding Friday- hot, windy and almost all pics done outside. Wedding Saturday, not as hot, just as windy, couple not seeing each other before hand, all after ceremony pics done outside. Sometimes I wish couples would think these things thru just a little bit better. A half hour in the church yesterday would have been very beneficial. 40 family members all standing in the bright sun on one level is just not the ideal situation for a good shot. We did the best we could with what we had so hopefully they are happy with the end result. I always feel like we are missing some good shots when we do the majority of the pictures afterwards. Everyone is always in a hurry to get to the party- understandable but irritating.

Well, back to work tomorrow. No early morning meetings this week so that will help. Scott has a busy one this week, so we probably won't see each other much other than to pass off the kiddos. Oh well, we have another wedding next Saturday so that we can spend a little time together.

I'd better get back to the laundry- doesn't seem to fold itself no matter what Scott thinks!

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