We had a full day wedding on Saturday. I started at the salon at 9 am. We left the dance at 10:30. 2 of my cousins also got married on Saturday and we were able to make it to one of the dances after we were done shooting. The girls and I danced until midnight then we decided we should let Will sleep in his bed instead of just sleeping on daddy.
I was up at 6 on Sunday and went to the bank quick to do my cleaning. We went back to Grandpa Meyer's for lunch and then spent the afternoon taking pics of some of the newer additions to the family at the studio. To Royal Fork for supper and home at 7 for baths and showers. I think we were all asleep before 8:30. What a weekend!
I had given Haley my camera Friday night to take some pictures. Looking thru them this morning, I think I should have taken some more myself, but that's ok. I know there were at least a couple of other cameras there! Here are a couple she got: