Hand should not have been between hammer and crowbar!
Hurt like crazy! Still hurts, but only when anything bumps it. Let's see- the side of the palm of my hand- no, that never gets bumped on anything! Yup- that was sarcasm alright.
We did manage to get the office walls all up. Now when the electrician comes on Wednesday, he will have walls to drop the outlets to. Kind of important I guess. It would be nice if we could get the changing room wall up this weekend and then we can work on skim coating the other walls this week. I say "we", but really I think I am just more moral support than anything. I want to be more help, but sometimes I feel like Scott would rather just be there by himself. He kind of has to be there himself to get the floors done, cuz the stripper is too toxic to have the kids around. That is a slow yucky process!
I should be working on taxes right now....can you tell I am procrastinating? I am quite fearful of what the end result will be. We did pay in some estimated taxes, but I am sure not nearly enough. There was just never an extra amount to send in........but then again, when is there ever?
I suppose - if I don't get started, I'll never get finished.......wish me luck!
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