How did that happen? One of the ladies that I work with told me today- "tomorrow is hump day for January." What??? Life goes so fast sometimes. Then, Haley blurts out today "I only have 1 more year of elementary and then I'm going to be a middle schooler!" Oh Hell NO. I am not that old, that is entirely impossible! But alas, it is so. My baby is closer to 3 than 2, my oldest is soon going to be spending hours on the phone talking about boys and Hannah will just be watching and learning from her sister so that she can make me crazier sooner. I think I should buy some stock in Prozac now, always good to invest in things that you know you can use later!
Well, it was another busy weekend. We had our second bridal show of the year on Sunday. We booked 3 weddings, so at least it felt a little worthwhile. Hopefully a few more will call in the next few days too. We are waiting to hear on a new space for the studio. Too bad the agent in charge of leasing the place is a complete idiot! I am starting to wonder if he has even told the landlord we are interested.
On Saturday Scott and the kids went sledding on the little hill across from his parents' house. Last year Will wasn't too excited about getting snow on himself. This year he really had fun! He was so excited to go cuz I bought him his own inflatable sled! I tried to catch the girls as they were "ramping" their sleds. Too funny!

Well, it's about time to send the munchkins to bed and Scott just got home so I should go spend some quality couch time with him. 5 am comes way to early most days!
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