Thursday, February 5, 2009

Belly fat, tax returns and human error

Yup, that sums up this week so far. I have been REALLY bad on my diet and excercise for the last 2 weeks and I can see it now. AAACK! But, I still can't get myself motivated to change it- what is going on?

I did our taxes last night- wonder of wonders- we are getting money back this year! We made less and paid in more this past year, which really sucks, but at least we are getting some of it back! For the first time in a few years I will not be waiting until April 15 to mail it in!

I screwed something up at work this week- well, actually I screwed up in November, but it didn't affect anything until this week. Don't worry- I didn't do anything that affects a patient! Just the doctor- the one who could decide to kick me out the door. Hopefully by Monday when she is back in the office she will be over it. No life or death issue, just an inconvenience thing. Most people just really don't like inconveniences- especially doctors!

Today we have both girls's conferences. At least I don't ever have to worry about them. The girls are both well behaved at school so there aren't ever any surprises.

Willism: "mommy, my butt feels weird. I don't like farting, it tickles funny." OH- and this was in the middle of Hy-Vee- makes it funnier doesn't it? I thought so.

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