Sunday, January 4, 2009

new year, new blog

I thought I would change things up a little and change the look of my blog. I'm not sure I like it, but I was feeling pink today so it is what it is - for now at least. Scott and I spent the day at a bridal show. The turnout was good, but we were really hoping to book a couple today. I think everyone is more picky about what they are spending their money on these days. People tend to take longer to make decisions now than what they used to. Not all bad, but makes instant gratification a lot harder to come by.

School is back in session tomorrow! Thank goodness! The girls are definitely getting sick of each other and I think Scott is ready to get back into a routine as well.

I really want to post pictures more often. I have even taken my camera out and set it on the counter thinking that might get me to take random pictures more often. So far it hasn't worked, but I will keep trying.

Tomorrow is back on the scale day too. That is kind of scary. I will see how well I did with my goal of maintaining. I might even give you an update- we'll see.

Well, better get the girls ready for tomorrow. Could be a tough morning!

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