Well, she cleans house, bakes two kinds of cookies, does laundry, makes lunch, wonders what the heck she is supposed to do with an empty afternoon. I am not used to having time that is not pre- filled. We don't have a lot of non busy weekends in our lives. I shouldn't say non busy, cuz Scott has 2 shoots this afternoon. That is probably why I am feeling so confused with what to do. If he wasn't shooting we would probably be figuring out something to do at the new studio. Just me and the kids at home with no clear plan is very rare. This is what happens when I don't have anything planned: The girls hide in one of their rooms, whispering and talking about pre- pubescent girl stuff, and Will sits at the table with his Playdough for hours.

And this is what my freshly mopped kitchen floor looks like:

But, alas, at least I will have a floor to clean shortly.
This past week has been stressful to say the least. I have gone thru so many emotions this week, scared, frustrated, angry, lost, confused, ashamed, embarrassed and extremely grateful. We have wonderful supportive families and without them I don't know what we would do. To those of you that have offered your help, please know that you mean the world to me and I will repay you in any way that I can. I love you.
I think I will go play some playdough myself. If I have to clean up the mess at the end, I should at least enjoy making it too!
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