Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wendy needs.....

Ok so I have had too many way too serious posts lately. One of my friends on Facebook had this list that she put on her profile. She went to Google typed in "laura needs" and typed the first 10 things that came up. It was pretty funny so I thought I would try it. Here is what I got when I typed in "wendy needs":

!. Wendy needs a little time.
2. Wendy needs to warm up to animal welfare.
3. Wendy needs every measuring cup and spoon she can find.
4. Wendy needs some props.
5. Wendy needs a sewing machine.
6. Wendy needs to wake up.
7. Wendy needs help to join the US Cavers forum.
8. Wendy needs mac help fast.
9. Wendy needs help.
10. Wendy needs to get a clue.

I don't know- kind of funny, thought I'd share. Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

You think yours is funny. Guess what was the first thing that came up when I tried Colleen needs! Colleen needs orgasms. Too scared to check any further.