Scott and Haley left at 4 am yesterday morning to head for Ames Ia for the state Lego League competition. The plan was they were going to head back home after the awards ceremony. At about 6:30 last night I had a voicemail on my cell phone stating that they were at a Super 8 in Boone, Ia. In 10 miles they had seen 8 cars in the ditch. They decided a hotel for the night was a safer idea. I am so glad Scott took the safe route. It's not really like him to be afraid of the roads, so I know they had to be pretty scary. Anyway, they just left about a half hour ago to head home, so I will be playing the part of single mom for most of the day again. I am enlisting the help of Colleen for a bit this morning as I have to cover for Scott at the studio and do a wedding consult. I could bring Will and Hannah with me, but I know they will have a much better time at grandma's house! (plus the fact that I haven't done a consult for awhile and I don't think I need the distractions)
Tonight we are headed to Dr Bell's for supper. It is for our staff holiday party. Dr Bell is cooking the full meal. I'm not sure what we are having, but I have heard she is an excellent cook. The kids are going as well, gonna need to cover the "best behavior" speech a couple of times before we go. Our kids are usually really good, but I am always worried about them acting up at someone else's house and especially the doctor that I work for. That would be truly embarrassing.
Yesterday proved to be a pretty productive day. We cleaned house, took some clothes to Once Upon A Child, took some cds to Last Stop CD Shop. Didn't get rid of a lot to either place, but enough to buy lunch and hopefully a tank of gas. I made some soup for lunches for the next few weeks, made some chocolate chip bars from a mix that I got as a Christmas gift, Hannah got to work on one of her craft projects, we stuffed and labeled 300 baby mailers, we did about 15 loads of laundry and went to Brandon for the Bakker Christmas. You would think after a busy day like that I would have slept really good. No such luck, with Scott and Haley in podunk Iowa, I had a hard time falling asleep and then staying asleep. I didn't feel very good either so it was a restless night and an early morning. At least being up so early, I got on the elliptical this morning and burned off some of last night's pizza!
Well, I should go check on Will and Hannah. They have been really quiet the whole time I've been on the computer. Something must be up!