Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday, Monday

Well, another weekend down and what do I have to show for it? Ummmm- I'm really tired, does that count? A long wedding Saturday, a seemingly busy day yesterday, but I'm not sure what I did all day. Church in the morning, out for lunch for father's day- we ended up at Fuddruckers. Scott wanted to go to Royal Fork, but we drove by there at 11:00 and the line was already out the door and down the sidewalk. I like their food, but not enough to fight with the kids in line for that long. After lunch we went to Sam's. Spent a lot of money, but didn't get anything fun- as usual. Scott and Hannah headed out to run to mom and dad's. I took Haley and Will to Target for some quick shopping and then we headed to Brandon. Haley had a b-day party from 7-9 and then we all collapsed. I guess when I type it out, we really did have a busy day. Oh and I even got a few loads of laundry folded somewhere in there too!

With such a busy weekend, you think I would have at least one funny to share, but I can't think of any. Will did make grandpa Bakker's father day last night. After he finally ate his supper, he turned to gpa and pointed to the Harley symbol on his shirt. "I ride that motorcyle with you?" he asked. Of course, gpa went right to the garage and figured out a way for Will to ride between him and gma so they could take him around a couple of blocks. I'm not sure who had the bigger smile - Will or grandpa- but I think they both enjoyed the ride!

Well- I suppose I should get to the shower. I did get in some elliptical time this morning, maybe I can get a walk in tonight.

Have a great day!

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