Sunday, June 29, 2008

11 years and still going

Yup, Scott and I have been married for 11 years. What did we do for our anniversary? Why we worked of course! We spent our anniversary helping someone else have memories for theirs. At least we had a great couple to work with yesterday. The bride was so easy going. It would have really sucked to have a bridezilla. Today Haley is having her friend b-day party. We are doing a rockstar theme. Still not sure how many kids are coming, could be as many as 13. At least it is nice out so if they get bored with the party stuff they can go outside to run in the backyard.

Haley and I are going to transform the basement into a party zone shortly. She is just finishing up with getting her room picked up and then it's time to decorate. I really like hosting parties, I just wish I was more creative with all of the details. We did get some ideas off of the internet so that helps.

Well, I promised Will he could play on the "puter" so I better go for now. I will try to post some pics of Haley's party later!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I know I kept forgetting to wish you guys a Happy Annivesary yesterday, so belated Happy Anniversary!
Love you guys,