Tuesday, June 17, 2008

meanest mom on earth

Yup, that's me. I win this one hands down. My children will vote for me over and over again. This morning Haley said "you're mean!" and then ran to her room. This because I once again told her that when I ask her to do something I expect her to do it right away, not after hanging on me for 10 minutes because she doesn't want to do what I asked. She did later apologize and give me a big hug when I got home from work. Tonight, when Will asked for a snack I said no becuase he didn't eat very good at supper. We are trying to get him to eat better at meal time and get rid of all the snacks that he is constantly begging for. After about the 5th time he asked I told him " mommy said no snack tonight". He prompty walked to the wall and started pouting to himself. Hannah asked him what was wrong - his reply "mommy makes me cry". Now that makes me feel like a million bucks, let me tell you. Well he still gave me a hug and kiss before I tucked him in bed, but he asked me to leave his door open. I don't know why, but I always close the kids' doors when it is bedtime. I told him, no, it's bedtime the door needs to be closed. He looked me straight in the eyes and said "grandma leaves it open, grandma nice." So move over all you mean moms. I win, you can all just eat my dust as I go to claim my prize! Maybe tomorrow my kids will love me again!


Colleen said...

Now he told me that mom leaves his bedroom door open. That little stinker trying to get grandma in trouble. I used to have a shirt that said "ugly,mean and nasty". My kids thought I won it a mom's contest.

Grandma Nice(aka soon to be Grandma Mean) Meyer

Connie said...

Hey! What are you doing stealing my title???