Sunday, August 3, 2008


Well it was weigh in morning. Technically I did lose weight this week. A whopping .6 pounds. Yup that is POINT 6. But, I did lose another 1.1% of body fat too, so maybe I am losing some of the jiggly and getting some buffness. That would be ok too. Really my main goal is just to look and feel better- I would love to get to my goal weight, but I would settle for cute butt flat stomach too. Hee hee- flat stomach, yeah right I have had 3 kids- gaining almost 60 pounds each time- that skin will never be taut again!

We had a good wedding yesterday, the bride and groom were really sweet. The bride gave me hug first thing at the salon so I knew it was going to be a great day. She was just so happy about everything. Those days are so nice. We have certainly had our share of the not so happy not so sweet.

Haley slept at Marli's last night for a b-day party so she will probably be a bear today. She never does real good after sleepovers and the whole sleep deprivation thing. I am hoping we can get out and do something outdoorsy and physical as a family this morning. We'll see what time she comes home and what time Scott gets up. I am ready to go do something right now, but I am a lot more of a morning person than anyone else in our house.

Well, I hear Romeo crying so I'd better go let him out and give him some breakfast. Any one want to come give the dogs baths today?

1 comment:

Human Microbiome Search Engine said...

Point-six pounds? Oh, well, at least it's a loss. Better than a gain. Progress is progress. Best wishes.