Sunday, August 24, 2008

a whole weekend off!

We actually had another weekend off! It was nice to get the house cleaned good. Hannah had a soccer game yesterday- the first of the fall season. She did pretty good considering she wasn't able to run or do anything too active all summer. It was apparent that she is a little slower and not kicking as hard as she was this past spring, but it will all come back in time.

Scott took Will running yesterday. Well, Scott ran, Will sat in his jogger and took a nap. I gave him my Ipod so he could listen to music and he was so darn cute I had to take a pic of both my boys before they headed out!

Well, today is Sunday, so yup, weigh in day. Kind of depressing. My weight is exactly what it was on Monday. I was afraid of that since I had been so munchie this week. Hopefully I can back on the "no extra snacks" track this week.

We went to the outdoor campus today to walk the trails and just have some nice family time. Will found a huge stick that he really wanted to carry around. He couldn't quite pick it up.....

I told him he should look for a smaller stick and this is what he found:

I have been doing a lot of cooking this weekend- trying to get a jump start on the week's menu. Yesterday I made another batch of Chicken Noodle Soup for my lunches. Today I cooked up some Chicken and Vegetable Toss that can be the base for a couple different recipes. I will use part of it this week and the rest for another meal next week. Kind of nice to have some more involved meals already half cooked!

Well, I should get another load of laundry done and take a quick gander at the bills to be paid and see what I have to get out this week!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The back to school chaos has begun

Well today was day 2 of back to school. I am already trying to figure out how to keep the girls organized adn on top of things. I am hoping that I can get them into good habits right away this year so we don't have so many last minute things to do in the mornings. The first day went well, both girls were pretty excited. I took a couple pictures of the girls and then Will got his backpack and wanted to be in the picture too! He is so funny, he had to have "learning stuff" to take in his backpack to Amy's. I don't know that he will actually be interested in doing any of the stuff that we put in his bag, but that's ok.

Day 2 of school- Haley got hurt at recess and has a big ol' bump on her head. She also brought home some orchestra papers - she wants to try learning the viola. I have no idea how to play a viola or anything about them. We will need to see how much it is going to cost to rent/buy one. Hopefully not too much- I don't want to tell her she can't try something new. She seems really excited about it, so I want to encourage it as much as possible. The practicing could prove to be an issue for her, but we'll see.

Well, Hannah has soccer practice tonight and I have to be at work early again tomorrow, so off to get some laundry done before time to leave for practice!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Just a quick post this morning cuz I am really excited! I actually lost weight on vacation. This morning's weigh in was 147.8. That's a whole pound lighter than when we left!

Ok- gotta go help the girls get ready for the first day of school!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Last day of vacation

Today is the last day of summer vacation for the girls and the last day of our one and only family vacation this summer. I tried to post on Thursday before we left, but blogger was being uncooperative and I wasn't patient enough to type everything over. I did a pre-vacation weigh in on Thursday morning and I was 148.8. I will do a post vacation weigh in tomorrow morning. I did pretty good on the diet front though. I was trying very hard to eat well and I ran on the hotel treadmills every morning. I ran in the same clothes every morning so by this morning I was glad I was the only one in the fitness room cuz I could so smell myself. GROSS!

Well we had a pretty good vaca. Thursday we left around noon. We stopped at the outlet mall in Medford. Didn't do much for shopping there though. I had packed a picnic supper thinking we could go to a park and eat, but we just ate it on the hotel room floor. Then we all went swimming (We brought a "floatie" for Will and he was sooo excited!). After swimming, we watched a movie and crashed. Friday was Nickelodeon Universe day- lots of rides and more rides. The kids are all going to be little adrenaline junkies. There was a new roller coaster that I got the girls to go on with me and it was my favorite ride of the day! Saturday was Albertville outlet malls- we did lots of shopping there- Scott raked in a lot of new pants, which is what he really needed. Then we headed back to the Mall of America and did a little more shopping. We bought the kids each a webkinz cuz they were so well behaved in all the shopping. Scott suprised me with an ipod shuffle- an early b-day present that I have been really wanting for my early morning runs! Today we stopped at the Minnesota Zoo- bummer there- no dolphin show - that is really the only reason we went there, but oh well. All in all, a pretty busy crazy weekend, but still very nice to be away from home for a few days!

School starts tomorrow. Both girls seem to be pretty excited. Haley wants to get up at 5 am - crazy kid- can't drag her out of bed at 8 on the weekends!

Well, I want to get to figuring out how to use my ipod so talk to you later!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's Sunday, you know what that means.....

Weigh in day.... well it was better than I thought. I was pretty sure I hadn't lost any weight again this week, but lo and behold I am down another 1.2 lbs. That puts me at a loss of 5.6 lbs in the last 3 weeks. Seems a little sad that the loss is so little, but I know that an average of 1-2 lbs a week is the healthiest amount to lose and also easier to keep off so I guess I must be doing something right. I didn't go running this morning, decided to take at least this morning off. Depending on how the day goes I may decide to run tonight. Maybe we can do a family outing today that I can count as cardio. Otherwise a day off here and there is probably not a bad thing either.

I am getting really excited to go out of town for a couple days. I just got a bunch of clothes together for Will. I will try to keep on top of the laundry this week, but it is nice to know that if I get a little behind he still has enough to get thru. Me on the other hand, I will be washing everything I wear this week to get packed. I only have a few summer outfits that fit decent enough to wear in public.

Don't know what the plan is for today, but I am going to go enjoy it now!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Little boys and baby frogs

Scott was mowing the yard this morning and found a couple of little frogs. I took Will out to see them and boy was he happy when he got to pick one up! Such a boy...

Will was up at 5:45 this morning so he and I went for a run. Boy is it a lot harder to run while pushing him in the jogger! I only made it 1 mile before I had to walk. When we got home the little goofball says "whew, running is hard work" Yeah, sitting in that jogger must be exhausting!

Friday, August 8, 2008

I did it!

I ran 2 miles this morning all by myself! Maybe you are thinking- well didn't you run 2 miles last week? Yes, but this morning Scott stayed in bed while I went running. Having him with me usually helps motivate me to push harder. Today I did the whole 2 miles and didn't even have to talk myself out of stopping, I just kept going. I am very proud of myself because I am pretty quick to give up when I start to get tired so this is a big deal - to me at least.

Yesterday mom and I took the kids to the fair. She gave them each $20 to spend how they wanted. The girls both decided not to get wristbands for the rides so that they could play games too. They seemed to have a pretty good time. Will went on the same car ride twice. He was so cute-he smiled the biggest smile he could fit on his face. Both times when the ride was done he tried to get out the car he was in and go right to another car. The last time he was getting pretty close to meltdown and he just stopped next to the ride and wouldn't come out. Good thing we were already planning to be on our way out cuz I don't think he could have lasted much longer in the heat.

Today Scott is shooting a wedding by himself and we have one tomorrow too. Hopefully Sunday is nice and we can get some family time in. Well, I can hear Will calling for me so better get him some breakfast!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Well it was weigh in morning. Technically I did lose weight this week. A whopping .6 pounds. Yup that is POINT 6. But, I did lose another 1.1% of body fat too, so maybe I am losing some of the jiggly and getting some buffness. That would be ok too. Really my main goal is just to look and feel better- I would love to get to my goal weight, but I would settle for cute butt flat stomach too. Hee hee- flat stomach, yeah right I have had 3 kids- gaining almost 60 pounds each time- that skin will never be taut again!

We had a good wedding yesterday, the bride and groom were really sweet. The bride gave me hug first thing at the salon so I knew it was going to be a great day. She was just so happy about everything. Those days are so nice. We have certainly had our share of the not so happy not so sweet.

Haley slept at Marli's last night for a b-day party so she will probably be a bear today. She never does real good after sleepovers and the whole sleep deprivation thing. I am hoping we can get out and do something outdoorsy and physical as a family this morning. We'll see what time she comes home and what time Scott gets up. I am ready to go do something right now, but I am a lot more of a morning person than anyone else in our house.

Well, I hear Romeo crying so I'd better go let him out and give him some breakfast. Any one want to come give the dogs baths today?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Good morning!

Well it is Saturday August 2nd. Yup, AUGUST - how on earth is it August already? School starts in 3 weeks. That is a good thing though, the girls are both getting bored with summer break. We are going to get in a quick family vacation the weekend before school starts and then comes the craziness of homework, soccer and misc school functions.

On the diet front- I have been doing really good but I don't feel like I have lost any weight this week. Guess I will find out tomorrow. I am going to be bummed if the numbers didn't go down and God forbid they went up! I did have a few jelly beans this week and I felt so guilty afterwards that it so wasn't worth it. I was very good at work and passed on all the free food. There were 2 free lunches, cold stone and some homemade bars. No wonder I gained weight since I started there- free food all the time!

Well we have a wedding today. I start at the salon at 10 and we should be done for the day around 9. It's going to be a hot one so hopefully they don't mind melting. We are doing a lot of outdoor pics after the ceremony.

Well, Will is done with his cereal and Romeo is crying to go out so I guess I am done for now!