We actually had another weekend off! It was nice to get the house cleaned good. Hannah had a soccer game yesterday- the first of the fall season. She did pretty good considering she wasn't able to run or do anything too active all summer. It was apparent that she is a little slower and not kicking as hard as she was this past spring, but it will all come back in time.
Scott took Will running yesterday. Well, Scott ran, Will sat in his jogger and took a nap. I gave him my Ipod so he could listen to music and he was so darn cute I had to take a pic of both my boys before they headed out!

Well, today is Sunday, so yup, weigh in day. Kind of depressing. My weight is exactly what it was on Monday. I was afraid of that since I had been so munchie this week. Hopefully I can back on the "no extra snacks" track this week.
We went to the outdoor campus today to walk the trails and just have some nice family time. Will found a huge stick that he really wanted to carry around. He couldn't quite pick it up.....

I told him he should look for a smaller stick and this is what he found:

I have been doing a lot of cooking this weekend- trying to get a jump start on the week's menu. Yesterday I made another batch of Chicken Noodle Soup for my lunches. Today I cooked up some Chicken and Vegetable Toss that can be the base for a couple different recipes. I will use part of it this week and the rest for another meal next week. Kind of nice to have some more involved meals already half cooked!
Well, I should get another load of laundry done and take a quick gander at the bills to be paid and see what I have to get out this week!