This morning the girls had their Christmas programs at church. This is the first year that they are in seperate groups. Haley has moved up into the older group so we had someone to watch in each! This year I am helping with the primary Sunday School music, which in turn means I helped with the program. The prek- 3rd graders just had a little reading that was kind of like the 12 days of Christmas. The kids didn't have parts to say, they just had costumes to correspond to the reading. Hannah was Mary. Then the kids all sang 4 songs and they were done! Here is a close up of Hannah during the singing.
Then Haley's group did a program titled "Bethlehem Treasure". There were only a few that had speaking parts, the rest of the kids were the "choir". Haley had an extra part - she was the star. She had to wear a star costume and stand on some boxes. She was really nervous about the being up high part. It turned out the heat part is what she should have been worried about. I was watching her pretty close cuz I knew she was nervous. She started out great, but then she was fidgeting more and then I saw her put her hands on her legs and start to bend over. I knew then that she needed to get down! Luckily there was someone standing next to her just to keep her safe. He got her down just in time. 2 more seconds and I think she would have come down with a fainting thud! She came and sat with us instead of getting back on stage and she looked awful. There was no color in her face at all. When we got home she went to bed and took a 1 1/2 hr nap. Poor kid- I don't know if she is fighting off something anyway or if getting too hot was just too much. Here is a picture of her as the "star"

Well, Travis made it back today. His flight was supposed to come in yesterday, but due to a "crew shortage" his flights were delayed by a day. We met at the studio and took a family portrait before he even got to go home. Hopefully we got a good one for mom!
I suppose I should get the kiddos going and go get Scott. Mom is making a turkey for supper tonight since this is probably the only big meal she will cook for Travis this week. Our traditional Christmas Eve supper is pizza. Every year she asks what we want- like we are going to change a great casual tradition like pizza! Crazy thoughts!
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