I can't believe the week is almost over already! Yesterday finally started to feel like a vacation. The kids and I hit up Target to look at school supplies, went out for lunch with Scott and then convinced him to take a few hours off and hit the pool with us. Even Will started jumping in to the deep water from the side of the pool. He is still not too sure about getting his whole face wet, but he was doing pretty good considering this time last year he didn't like water deeper than his knees!
Today is going to be a day of quick house cleaning, lawn mowing and getting ready to head to Rochester for the Meyer family reunion. I am looking forward to meeting a lot of Scott's family, not so looking forward to sleeping in a "cabin" that has no bathroom and is all bumk beds. We are sharing said "cabin" with Amy's family, so sleep may not be easily found with that many kids in one room! I would love it if we could all head up to the Mall of America on Saturday, but I think everyone is planning to do that tomorrow and we won't get there until sometime tomorrow afternoon. Oh well, not like we have money to shop with anyway- just like to wander the mall for the fun of it.
Well, better get started on my day. I am hoping to get the house cleaned in like an hour - don't really want to spend my vaca time with a vaccuum!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I'm on vacation, right?
The last 2 days have been so busy it doesn't really feel like vacation, but I guess I would rather have it that way than sitting around doing nothing- that really isn't me! So, what was accomplished on day 2 of staycation 2010?
Clothes were brought to Once Upon A Child (most of them also brought back home), went to the zoo for a bit, went to one store to look at school supplies and realized we had no idea what we neeeded, home for lunch, pool for an hour, Haley to the dentist for 2 cavities, drove across town to drop off papers at accountant (don't ask), Haley to karate (that one wasn't really me- her friends picked her up and dropped her off), supper, soccer, couch time finally at 8!
See- sitting still isnt' really my strong point anyway!
We don't have too much planned for today. I am planning a library trip and a swing by goodwill to get rid of some stuff. It's super humid already this morning so maybe the pool again this afternoon.
I tried to take a couple pics of me and the kids at the zoo. Not an easy task - I don't do a lot of the "taking my own picture" thing. The kids thought I was crazy- nothing new there, though!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Wendy's Staycation 2010
Hi! Well it seems it's been a while again, oops! Even missed blogging about another b-day. Haley turned 11 on July 3! Can you believe it? 11! For some reason though her turning 11 doesn't bother me. I think it's because most days she seems older than that anyway so 11 is no biggie.
So our family is definitely one of the "staycation" families due to money issues. I took this week off of both jobs mostly just to hang out with the kids and to give Scott and Colleen both a break from all the day to day running with them. Yesterday was certainly filled with "running". I went for a run, had a haircut in the morning, got my oil changed, helped all 3 kids clean out their closets so we could see what was really needed for school clothes (really not too much - yay!), took the girls to "super duper training" at the Wellness Center, took Haley and Will to the dentist (Haley gets to go back again today to have 2 cavities filled), Scott took Haley to karate while I made supper, went to Hannah's first summer soccer game (she rocked), came home and finally sat down at around 8:00!
Today should be a little less running- need to go thru all the clothes that was pulled out of closets yesterday so I can try to bring some to Once Upon A Child- might as well try to get a little cash this week too! Thinking about taking the munckins to the zoo this morning. Gonna try to get in maybe an hour at the pool before Haley has to go to the dentist, she also has karate again today and Hannah has another soccer game. Ok- so still quite a bit of running to do, but should have play time in there too!
Well, I suppose I should get started on the clothes so that when the girls get up we can start play time!
So our family is definitely one of the "staycation" families due to money issues. I took this week off of both jobs mostly just to hang out with the kids and to give Scott and Colleen both a break from all the day to day running with them. Yesterday was certainly filled with "running". I went for a run, had a haircut in the morning, got my oil changed, helped all 3 kids clean out their closets so we could see what was really needed for school clothes (really not too much - yay!), took the girls to "super duper training" at the Wellness Center, took Haley and Will to the dentist (Haley gets to go back again today to have 2 cavities filled), Scott took Haley to karate while I made supper, went to Hannah's first summer soccer game (she rocked), came home and finally sat down at around 8:00!
Today should be a little less running- need to go thru all the clothes that was pulled out of closets yesterday so I can try to bring some to Once Upon A Child- might as well try to get a little cash this week too! Thinking about taking the munckins to the zoo this morning. Gonna try to get in maybe an hour at the pool before Haley has to go to the dentist, she also has karate again today and Hannah has another soccer game. Ok- so still quite a bit of running to do, but should have play time in there too!
Well, I suppose I should get started on the clothes so that when the girls get up we can start play time!
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