Can you read that? 23.56 miles- that's how far we rode our bikes today! We all went- Scott was pulling Will in the trailer and the girls were riding their bikes. We did the whole bike trail loop. I'm not sure how it is, but I think we were against the wind for 80% of the ride! Haley did good for the first 6 miles and then it was "this hurts, that hurts, I want to be done. Hannah was a bike riding rock star! She didn't complain once and only stopped if we told her we were all stopping for a break. Will slept part of the way and woke up wet- about 10 miles from home with no bathroom in sight and no clean clothes brought along. Now it is 6:15 and I can barely keep my eyes open. My body is in shock from all the fresh air. What a wonderful thing! I certainly didn't plan on riding bike all afternoon, but it sure was nice for all of us to be out doing something together and not thinking about all of the everyday stressors. Now if only by butt would quit hurting so bad!
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