Thursday, March 5, 2009

where do the days go?????

So it seems I have been too busy living my life to take time to write about it. Sorry to all of you out there who like to live vicariously thru me- Sorry because, yikes! My life is not one to follow for crazy - oh to live like that- moments!

Why have I been too busy to write? Well, let's see. Scott is spending every waking (and even some sleeping I think) moment trying to get the new studio ready. Hopefully by the end of next week, we will be complaining of all the sore muscles from moving everything in. I can't wait for him to be done getting this place ready so that he can concentrate on his business again. He has been trying to do both, but that is not an easy task and I think the business has been overlooked a little. At least this is our not so busy season anyway. If he was shirking on the business in the middle of the summer we would be in some serious trouble!

Anyway, with Scott gone every night, I just don't seem to take the time out from the kids to sit at the computer. There are some things I was really hoping to get done before spring. One thing I really want to do is make an album to tell the story of last year. I just haven't had the time to sit at the computer and get it done. I think I could get one created in an afternoon, but what afternoon... hmmm.......

Work hasn't been too busy lately. The docs have both asked me why their schedules aren't full. Well, you see, I don't have the ability to make people get cancer. Not sure what they think I can do about the lack of new patients? A very sobering moment occurred today at work. A 37 year old mother of 2 middle schoolers passed away this morning from a gyne cancer. Dr Bell tried to do a surgery back in December, but had to abort due to the extent of the patient's disease. Most of our patients are post menopausal women, many in their 60s and 70s. Someone with young kids diagnosed with an incurable disease is really hard to accept. Sometimes I miss the days before I knew much about any of the things I see on a daily basis now. Give your kids a hug and cherish the time you have. I know I have to remind myself of that often. My family might not think it, but I think everyday about how lucky we are to all be healthy. I still want a clean house and an organized life, but I do know that what we have is wonderful!

Haley was in a talent show at school. I am so bummed that I didn't go! Scott was able to go and see her. She was in a group skit, she sang a solo during that skit. Scott said she rocked it! The talent show organizer has asked Haley to sing a solo on her own for next year. You can bet I won't be missing that one! I keep thinking that I should find a song that Haley and I could sing together for special music at church. I should start the hunt for a good song......any ideas let me know.

Tonight is a special "wild card" show on American Idol, so I 'd best be wrapping up here. Maybe I will try to write more often so it's not just a random ramble of stuff.

Well, I did say "maybe"! :)

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