Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Life thru the eyes of a 2 year old

Oh excuse me 2 1/2 year old. I don't really have much to blog about but there have been some cute Willisms lately that I thought I would share.

Ask him how old he is " I am 2 1/2." (he's not really- he won't be officially 2 1/2 until 10/18)

Ask him what his name is " Will, W I L L, Will" Sometimes just for good measure he will add an extra l or two when spelling his name.

At precisely 4 45 this morning Will was crying for me. It wasn't the usual "mommy, I have to go potty", so I peek in his door and ask him what is wrong. "Hannah stole my lawnmover". Well my dear little bubba, Hannah is still asleep way up in her bed, so I don't think she has your lawnmower.

The other day we were at Amy's and she and I were talking about the weather and how pretty soon we will be playing in the snow. Will piped in with "you can't play in the snow until you have your glubs on" And somewhere in the conversation about why there isn't snow "the snowblower needs to make it snow and it's turned off right now."

When I asked Will what he was going to do with daddy today "we are going to do stuff with screwdrivers"

At last but not least- when he hasn't pooped for a couple days and finally is able to- he has to look at it and always says "it's like a baseball!"

Have a good night!

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