Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween fun

The party went well. The weather was amazing! The kids were playing outside after they got done trick or treating- not usual for Halloween in SD. I was standing outside waiting for trick or treaters, the kids didn't have to have on snow apparel under their costumes- very unusual for Halloween in SD. I didn't get very many pics of just our kids in their costumes cuz by the time we were all dressed and ready their friends were already showing up for the party! I did manage to have one of Haley's friends take a pic of our family quick before the rest of the kids arrived.
The mummy wrap game:

Even got Kyra and Dan to join in:
Bobbing for apples:
The cutest little dinosaur you ever did see:
Scott is out of town this weekend at a photographer seminar. The kids and I kept pretty busy yesterday. We cleaned the house, got groceries, put away the Halloween decorations. We took Colleen to Look's Market with us. Scott wants me to make him some buffalo chili and I was feeling like I needed some moral support to go to the market. She was a good sport and went with eventhough she probably thought I was crazy. We went out for supper with Steve and Colleen, came home and all 4 of us snuggled in my bed and watched Lion King. If the weather is still really nice today, we might hit the zoo for a little while. Really we should just stay home and clean up the backyard before the snow flies. Maybe we can get that done while Will takes a nap........

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