Sunday, April 19, 2009

dinosuar cake building, art exhibits, soccer in the rain and a birthday party

We have had a busy last couple of days. I think I will try to tell most of the story in pictures. Here goes:
I decided that I wanted to make Will a 3D dinosaur cake for his b-day. I enlisted the help of my mom and she came over Friday night. We were a little worried once we started cutting the pieces, but it all came together pretty good.

At this point I showed it to Will and asked him what he thought it looked like. His reply "a dead pig". Nice- good thing we weren't close to being done yet!

All in all, I think he's pretty cute. Will even thought it looked like a dinosaur when we were done.

Saturday morning we went to the Pavilion to see Hannah's artwork on display:

I didn't take my camera to the soccer fields cuz it was raining. And, of course, they played a full game. Hannah didn't score any goals, but she was doing ok considering the ground was getting pretty slippery.
After Hannah's game we rushed home to do last minute clean up and get ready for Will's party. I'd say he did pretty well for himself:

Grandpa and Grandma Bakker made him the happiest little boy on 4 wheels:

After opening all of his presents, Will decided to help put his scooter together:

Mommy was brave enough to move the dinosaur cake so Will could blow out his candles in the living room for everyone to see.

Earlier in the day daddy took Will to Mini Critters to pick out a fish tank. What did he pick? Dinosaurs of course! Maybe today we can go get a fish to put in it!

So, now my baby is 3. I survived with no meltdowns about my baby getting bigger, so I think we will all be just fine!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter, Etc.

I took lots of pictures on Easter Sunday, but as I was going thru them, there weren't very many that were any good. I think I enjoy watching what is going on too much to worry about whether or not I am taking good pics. Hopefully my memory holds out for a long time, then I won't need the pictures anyway! Here is one of all the kids at our house after they hunted for eggs. I made them each look for a specific color of egg so that it would take longer. Aren't I mean?

So, what else is going on in my life? Well, work is stressful- seems everyday there is a new budget cut here or there. We had a "restructuring" meeting on Monday. Yeah- I didn't like the sound of that either. Turns out 2 of the people in supervisory positions were given 5 week notice in their positions. So far they are saying that the reception department won't be affected. I'm not sure how much I believe that. I guess I just go to work everyday until they tell me I can't anymore.

What else? I am back to running in the mornings. I did one week of running 1 1/2 miles every day. This week I was able to go up to 2 1/2 miles every morning so far. I would really love to run a 5k this summer. Still up for it mom? Hopefully running will help get me back on track weight wise too. Stress is a real killer for me when it comes to dieting. Doesn't seem to matter what I do or eat, stress just packs on the pounds!

I think that covers the major updates without getting into any sob stories or whining, so I will leave it at that!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We're all gonna sleep good tonight!

Can you read that? 23.56 miles- that's how far we rode our bikes today! We all went- Scott was pulling Will in the trailer and the girls were riding their bikes. We did the whole bike trail loop. I'm not sure how it is, but I think we were against the wind for 80% of the ride! Haley did good for the first 6 miles and then it was "this hurts, that hurts, I want to be done. Hannah was a bike riding rock star! She didn't complain once and only stopped if we told her we were all stopping for a break. Will slept part of the way and woke up wet- about 10 miles from home with no bathroom in sight and no clean clothes brought along. Now it is 6:15 and I can barely keep my eyes open. My body is in shock from all the fresh air. What a wonderful thing! I certainly didn't plan on riding bike all afternoon, but it sure was nice for all of us to be out doing something together and not thinking about all of the everyday stressors. Now if only by butt would quit hurting so bad!

Friday, April 10, 2009

"Yucky" chicken

Will: "What are we having for supper?"
Mommy: "Teriyaki chicken"
Will" " I don't want any yucky chicken."
Mommy: "No Will, Teriyaki chicken, it's like chicken with sauce on it."
Will: "Oh, I'll eat that all gone!"

Wanna know a great way to feel like you got new furniture without spending a cent? Move the downstairs couch that has hardly been sat on upstairs and move the worn out furniture that is missing half of its leather downstairs. Voila! A whole new living room and all it costed me was a couple of sore muscles! The couch that we moved upstairs is huge so we moved the big screen tv too. Boy does the downstairs family room look huge!

Friday, April 3, 2009

April, huh?

Somehow it has become April already. I'm not sure where the time goes. I am really starting to feel old. I never understood why people always said "time goes so fast". Now that I have kids that seem to get taller everyday, I totally get it. Will is going to be 3 in just a couple weeks. I will probably spend part of the day locked in a room by myself crying abou not having my baby anymore. I asked him the other day if he was still my baby, "I'm not a baby", so then I asked him if he was still my little boy "I'm not little, I'm a big boy!" Oh Bubba, don't you understand? You will always be my little boy, even when you stand head and shoulders above me, I will still think of you as the little boy who had a southern accent everytime he yelled "mommy, I pooped!" and the sweet little boy who would tell me "I'm so glad you're here." Oh geez I'm getting mushy in my old age!

I went for a run this morning- I am sitting here sweating and it feels great! It is supposed to snow this weeked, so I guess no running for a few days again. I am having a hard time getting rid of this 10 pounds that I put on over the winter. I was doing so good for awhile and then stress kicked into high gear and BAM! Jeans are tight and I can't wear some of my shirts again! ARGH! I wonder if I will ever be able to stop being a yo-yo when it comes to my weight? It is just so easy to get out of the healthy habits and back into the snacking and "fast" eating. Being healthy really does take more planning ahead and unfortunately more grocery money. Why is the food that is good for you so much more expensive?

I suppose I should go get in the shower and get ready for the day. We are having an open house at the new studio tomorrow so I am planning to help Scott this afternoon and tomorrow to get ready. Anyone want to come clean my house for me?